Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Smart cows - they know what they're doing...

The marvellous thing about shirts, of course, is that there's something for everyone. Whether it's a simple white cotton affair that you favour, or something more ornate, rest assured that someone... somewhere... will have you in mind.

From the lowest echelons of a local charity shop to the top of the haute couture tree, everyone's at it. The centrepiece of today's post comes thanks to a tip-off this evening... and is a prime example of just how well used a couple of pieces of cow skin can be!

The vital stats, then:
  • Lovingly crafted by: Dolce & Gabbana
  • Material: Only the finest leather
  • Colour: Mmm... brown
  • Detailing: Stitching on the chest region
  • Storage facilities: Oh yes - two of 'em - of the breast variety
  • Fastenings: Metallic poppers

Requiring specialist cleaning and a corner of the wardrobe all to itself, this shirt is a fine example of how the Old west is still thriving here in the 21st Century. Durable, understated and... well... brown, who wouldn't be proud to be seen out in this little number!

But let's not get carried away. This isn't your everyday atire - oh no. Nor is it simply the preserve of line-dancing fanatics across the land, either. Nup, what we have here is something in between, something that is not exactly 'Sunday casual', not 'going out to dinner' wear. One can imagine it accompanying a nice pair of jeans - but dare you tuck it in? - and some snazzy brogues perhaps.

Either way, this one's a keeper. and at around £800, you wouldn't want to lose it in a hurry!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Musical shirts, after a fashion

When music, culture and 'alternative fashion' collide...

B2K by Tim & Gendle from LOCKDOWN projects on Vimeo.

(No need to adjust your monitor to compensate for the
shirts - they really are that 'fabulous'!)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


A quick message this evening, by way of a thank you...

That man, friend and WOP co-conspirator who goes by the name of Lobster-Mitch has come up trumps once again - this time with the all-new logo you see up top. Truely inspired!

So, thank you, Sir!

I'd give you one of my shirts as a gesture of good faith but... well, ya know... let's just say some people can pull it off whilst others can't! :D

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Greetings from ACLOS!

Welcome, one and all, to my new blogging project!

Some of you may know me as one half of the guilty party over at World Of Poot - a little venture we set up just about one year ago to service the minds of the special people.
Don't worry, WOP is still going strong, and I haven't jumped ship - I've simply pounced on a theme which appears to be much-debated these days amongst our fellow Pooters and so-called 'friends'...

Shirts: their appreciation or otherwise.

We all like a good shirt, don't we? So much choice in colours, patterns, materials, opportunities to express oneself... it really is versatility personified.

But - and it is a big 'but' - where do you draw the line? I mean, sure, the shirt is a practical garment; it keeps you warm, makes you presentable at weddings & funerals, business functions, the 'meet the parents' debacle and, most importantly, it stops you being naked from the waist up! Certainly this last quality is a definite plus point for me since I have 'not quite found the time' to get myself down the gym lately!

There comes a point, just like that bit in Thelma & Louise or the 'camp fire scene' in Blazing Saddles, where there's just no turning back - you've gone too far, even if you don't realise it. That instant when not even the hope, prayers and friendly slaps in the face with a wet haddock from loved ones will save you from yourself.

Come on, admit it. I've done it, he's done it, and lord knows you've definitely done it - we are all guilty of committing harry carry in an ill-considered and misguided momentary fug of fashion faux-pas. And the worst bit - we continue to do it time and time again!

This site, then, is a celebration. A celebration of the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the ironic and the blatantly style-impaired. It's a place to hold your hands up, to get that shirt off your chest and to exclaim:

"Well, I like it... and that's all that matters!"